Planning With the Pacing Guide
Planning With the Pacing Guide

Our Pacing Guide will help you plan your year with Storyworks 1, a resource that includes a dazzling classroom magazine and an incredible package of support materials. You’ll discover how Storyworks 1 can fit into your teaching calendar as you map out the year and break out your plans day by day.

For each genre, you’ll find a chart laying out skills you can expect to cover with your students, plus the differentiation, assessment, and standards information you need to create a complete and powerful schedule of lessons.

This is followed by a suggested calendar of teaching activities, including how to work in pre-reading, vocabulary building, close reading, skills activities, assessment, and learning extensions for every feature.

Together, the Pacing Guide and the Step-by-Step Lesson Plans that come with every issue are your go-to companions for teaching Storyworks 1 with ease and joy!