Image of the Loch Ness monster in a lake
Illustration by Gary Hanna

The Mystery of the Lake Monster

Some people say a giant monster lives in a lake far away. Others are not so sure.

By Lauren Tarshis with Katie Mach
From the October/November 2023 Issue

Learning Objective: Students will discuss a narrative nonfiction text about the Loch Ness Monster and evaluate whether it is real.

Lexiles: 530L
Vocabulary: murky, hoax, eels, sightings

Jim McMahon/Mapman® 

The lake is in Scotland.

It was a cold day almost 100 years ago when Aldie Mackay saw the monster. 

She and her husband, John, were driving along Scotland’s largest lake, Loch Ness. The waters were usually dark and murky. But on this day, the lake sparkled in the sunlight.

Then the water rippled. A giant creature seemed to rise out of the loch. It was black, with a humped back. 

Aldie screamed, “Stop! The beast!” John stopped the car. The creature sank back into the water. What was living in Loch Ness?

Stories of the Monster

News spread about what the Mackays had seen. There had always been something mysterious about Loch Ness, something spooky.  

In fact, people had been telling stories of the Loch Ness monster for hundreds of years. Many stayed away because of these stories. But was there really a monster living in the lake? 

imageBROKER/Alamy Stock Photo

Welcome to Loch Ness. Could a monster be hiding in the water?

Searching for Answers

Keystone/Getty Images

This is the fake photo of the monster from 1934.

There were so many questions about the famous monster. Everyone was curious. People even gave it a nickname, Nessie. Was Nessie a creature from dinosaur times that was still alive? Or a big fish? Or something new? Many were determined to find out.

Then a man said that he had taken a picture of Nessie! Everyone wanted to see the photo. Had the mystery finally been solved?

Nope! The picture was a hoax. It was not real. But people kept searching for Nessie. 

imageBROKER/Alamy Stock Photo

Scientists explore the lake. They use a robot with a camera.

Scientists Dive In

For years, scientists have been exploring the deep, dark lake. They have searched the waters with boats, submarines, and underwater cameras.

But they have never found the monster. 

One scientist discovered eels instead. Eels are a kind of long, skinny fish. Maybe Nessie is just a giant eel!

Rosemary Roberts/Alamy Stock Photo (Nessie Toy); Steve Vidler/Alamy Stock Photo (Jelly Babies); Jeremy Hoare/Alamy Stock Photo (Nessie Doll); Orion Children’s Books/Hachette UK (Book)

People sell Nessie toys, candy, and books!

No One Knows

It’s been a long time since the Mackays took their drive to the lake. A lot of people have said they’ve seen a creature in the loch since then. Could all the sightings be fake? 

The truth is, no one knows for sure. But now the people who live near the lake like their monster. They are even proud of her! She’s famous, after all. People make Nessie toys, T-shirts, and candy.

Maybe someday Nessie will raise her head out of the lake and say hello.

Until then, people are happy to live with this creepy monster mystery!

What Is Nessie?

Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures

Do you think it is a whale? 


yes or no

Mark Turner/Alamy Stock Photo

Do you think it is an animal from dinosaur times?


yes or no

Volodymyr Chaban/Alamy Stock Photo

Do you think it is a big log?


yes or no

WaterFrame/Alamy Stock Photo

Do you think it is a big eel?


yes or no

iStockPhoto/Getty Images

Do you think it is a monster?


yes or no

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More About the Article

English Language Arts Focus

Comprehension of a nonfiction narrative through speaking and listening

Step-by-Step Lesson Plan


  • Whole Group: Plan to read the article twice: first for comprehension of facts, and then for further exploration.
  • Technology Time: Students can listen to the Video Read-Aloud of the article.

Pairings and Text Connections

  • In this issue: “Background Builder: What Is the Loch Ness Monster?”
  • From the Storyworks archive: “Big Read Aloud: The Creature in the Woods,” October/ November 2022
  • Suggested book: What Do We Know About the Loch Ness Monster? by Steve Korté

Before-Reading Resources

  • Vocabulary Slideshow: (5 minutes) eels, hoax, murky, sightings

Suggested Reading Focus

Information from text and images (20 minutes)
  • As you read the article aloud the first time, model stopping and asking questions at each Pause and Think to check comprehension and facilitate discussion. Ask students to give one- or two- sentence summaries of the section you just read.
  • When you read the article a second time, prompt students to share their ideas about which explanation for the Loch Ness Monster sounds like it could be the most possible. What makes them think that? What other ideas do they have about what the Loch Ness Monster could be? Have students share their ideas in think- pair-share format or as part of a group discussion.

After-Reading Skills Practice

  • Skills: Narrative writing; main idea (15 minutes)

Extension Activity

Skills: Main Idea (20 minutes)

  • Have students work in partnerships or small groups to create a poster with both pictures and words that describes a recent Nessie sighting. Who saw the monster? What was it doing? Where was it? What did the person do when they saw it? Did they take any pictures? Encourage students to use the question words who, what, where, and when to guide their writing.
