I had to walk to class all by myself.
I felt uh-oh.
A boy was in my spot.
I felt grr.
How was your day, Ella? That is what people ask me. I did not know what to say today. I had a lot of feelings.
Learning Objective: Children identify a character’s feelings at different points throughout a story.
I had to walk to class all by myself.
I felt uh-oh.
A boy was in my spot.
I felt grr.
I did not have a friend at lunch.
I felt ugh.
Another kid looked for a spot.
He did not have a friend either.
He said, “Ugh.”
“I feel the same way,” I said to him.
“I am Min,” he said.
We ate lunch together.
He likes pickles. So do I.
“Want to go on the swings later?” Min asked.
How did I feel about that?
Not uh-oh. Not grr. Not ugh.
I felt woo-hoo! I felt happy.
I had so many feelings today. This one was the best. Whee!
About the Story
English Language Arts Focus
Cause and effect
Character traits
Social and Life Skills Focus
Emotional awareness
Emotion words
Whole Group: Literacy block read-aloud; Small Group
Pairings and Text Connections
Before-Reading Resources
Suggested Reading Focus
After-Reading Skills Practice
Extension Social and Life Skills Activity
Skills: Emotional awareness (15 minutes)