“Look, Ava,” Lu said. “My tooth is loose!”
Ava smiled at him. Her front tooth was gone.
She lost it last week. Mason had lost two.
Lu’s tooth was loose. At last! It was his first loose tooth.
“Look, Ava,” Lu said. “My tooth is loose!”
Ava smiled at him. Her front tooth was gone.
She lost it last week. Mason had lost two.
Now Lu was going to lose a tooth too!
Lu pushed it with his tongue.
But it did not fall out.
Lu tugged it with his fingers.
It did not fall out.
Lu wiggled it all week.
It still did not fall out. But now the tooth felt weird. It was hanging there.
“What if it stays like this?” Lu asked Ava. “What if it never falls out?”
“Just twist it,” Ava said. That seemed like it would hurt.
“Get a string,” said Mason. “We can tie it to your tooth. Then I’ll hold it and run.”
“No way!” said Lu.
When Lu went to bed, his loose tooth was still there.
When Lu woke up, his loose tooth was still there.
“Mom,” Lu said, “my tooth is stuck. Something is wrong with it.”
“Don’t worry, Lu,” his mom said. “Eat your breakfast. It will fall out soon.”
Lu took a bite of his toast and–wow! His tooth fell out.
At last! And it didn’t even hurt.
Lu showed the kids in class.
“Same one as me,” said Ava.
Liam said, “I have a loose tooth. It has been loose all week. I wonder if it will ever fall out.”
“It will,” said Lu.
And he smiled.
About the Story
Social Emotional Learning Focus
Problem solving
Shared Reading
Technology Time
Online Read-Aloud
Preview the Title and Set a Purpose for Reading (5-10 minutes)
ELA Focus: Comprehension (10 minutes)
ELA Focus: Sequencing (20 minutes)
ELA Focus: Main Idea (10 minutes)