
Gert the Bird

Read a silly story filled with decodable and r-controlled vowel words.

By Liza Charlesworth
From the March/April 2023 Issue
Lexiles: 270L
Guided Reading Level: I
Challenge words: slow, snail, sleep

Meet a bird.

Her name is Gert. Chirp, chirp. 

Time to find a home! 

Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Getty Images 

So Gert went to a farm. 

Flap, dart, twirl, fly!

First, Gert saw a barn.

But a herd of cows was in it. 

This was NOT a home for a bird.

Next, Gert saw a car that did not work. It was full of dirt.

This was NOT a home for a bird.

Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Getty Images 

Then, Gert saw a field of corn.

Who was that tall girl in the corn?

This was NOT a home for a bird.

Gert flew up, up, up to a perch. Now she could see far. 

Did Gert spot a home? 

No! But she did like her perch.

That gave Gert a smart idea.

She got some sticks, grass, and yarn.

Sort, weave, twirl, pack!

Gert made a nest on the perch.

This WAS a home for a bird!

Surprise! Gert laid two eggs.

Out came Bert. Out came Herb.

Gabriel Chalmeta/500px/Getty Images

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More About the Article

English Language Arts Focus

Phonics and phonological awareness (r-controlled vowel words), Fluency

R-controlled vowel words

bird, chirp, twirl, first, dirt, girl, barn, car, farm, dart, far, smart, yarn, her, Gert, Bert, Herb, perch, work, corn, for, sort

High-frequency words

to, this, was, she, saw

Challenge words

field, idea, weave, surprise, laid

Step-by-Step Lesson Plan


Small Group

  •  This fun phonics text is controlled for a specific phonics element—words with the r-controlled vowel spelling pattern. Match students who might need practice with this pattern for small-group reading.

Pairs, Independent Reading

  • For children who have mastered this pattern, “Gert the Bird” can serve as a spiral review of words with r-controlled vowels. It is also a fun story to read independently with a partner. Have children read it multiple times to practice fluency and comprehension.


Mini Phonics Lesson (15 minutes)

  • Do a mini phonics lesson to review words with an r-controlled vowel spelling pattern. In these words, the letter r changes the vowel sound.
  • Show children how r-controlled vowels make different sounds:
  • —ar sounds like a pirate
  • —or sounds like the word or
  • —ir, er, and ur all make the /er/ sound
  • Use minimal pairs to contrast words with and without the r-controlled vowel spelling pattern, for example: pat/part; gem/germ; fist/first; cod/cord; hut/hurt.
  • Try the online Word Sounds Slideshow to help children sound out and listen to r-controlled vowel words.
  • Review high-frequency words from the story: to, this, was, she, and saw. Encourage advanced readers to do a fast read of the sight words.

Set a Purpose for Reading (3-5 minutes)

  • Let children look at the pictures. Tell children this is a silly story about a bird and her search for a home. Read to find out where she lands!


  • Prompt children to make predictions and check comprehension. Who is Gert? Where did she go? Why was Gert flying from place to place? How did the story end?
  • Have children review the story and highlight words with the r-controlled vowel spelling pattern: ar, er, ir, or, ur. They can practice by reading words aloud.


Reading Focus: Phonics (10 minutes)

Reading Focus: Phonological Awareness (10 minutes)

  • Students can find pictures of words that make an r-controlled vowel sound with the I Spy skills page.
